Friday, July 15, 2011

The 3rd Friday Of July Will Likely Be Day 14 In A Row Over 100 In North Texas

As you can see, I am up before the sun this 3rd Friday of July, Day 15, almost half of the 7th month of 2011 is over.

The pool looks extra inviting glowing a sort of aqua-marine color right before the sun starts its daily illumination job.

Speaking of that illuminating sun, yesterday was the 13th day in a row we have reached or exceeded the 100 degree mark, hitting 103 yesterday.

Thursday's morning low of 84 broke a record by being the highest low ever recorded for July 14 in North Texas.

My temperature monitoring device tells me it is 82 this morning. I do not know if that is a record high for today's morning low. We are currently scheduled to hit a high of 104 today, with a Real Feel Heat Index of 109.

Meanwhile, up north, at my old home location in the frigid state of Washington, it is currently 59 degrees, with rain showers.

We are currently 5 days from it being 3 years since I last flew up to the frigid north for a month of shivering.

When I returned to HOT Texas from my last visit to the frigid north I said it'd be at least 10 years before I subjected myself to that torment again. Time has since sort of softened that attitude. A little.

It is time, now, for my morning swimming in a pool naturally heated to a temperature about 30 degrees warmer than the sun is currently heating Washington.

1 comment:

  1. I will go to Washington for you. 59 degrees sounds just ducky to me.
