Thursday, July 14, 2011

Visiting Fort Worth's Paradise Center With CatsPaw

I have returned to Durango Headquarters from my visit to Paradise Center with CatsPaw.

I had my camera with me. But, I did not feel right about asking if I could take pictures. That always puts people on the spot. I usually only take pictures if I am surrepititious about it. I had no idea if the Paradise Center folks would be shy about pictures, so I thought it best just to keep the camera in my pants.

Fort Worth's Lone Ranger, Steve Doeung, took some pictures when he arrived towards the end of our visit. At that point in time, due to Steve's camera-free example, I realized it would have been okay for me to go into picture taking mode, but that point in time was when CatsPaw and I were leaving.

I don't know why I am going on and on about pictures, except to explain why I took none, when usually I am a picture taking maniac.

Teresa gave CatsPaw and me very nice Paradise Center t-shirt's. Mine is 2XXL, which means it fits me well. Unlike the medium sized shirts my mom sends me. That would be me in my Paradise Center t-shirt in the picture. I am smiling because Elsie Hotpepper said she'd pay me $100 if I smiled in a picture.

Visiting the Paradise Center, up close and personal, I can say they need no more TVs or computers.

However, is there anyone out there in the Fort Worth zone with a BIG HEART and plumbing skills who could help do some simple plumbing involving installing a sink?

Anyone out there in the Fort Worth zone with a BIG HEART with some building skills who could help knock out a wall to make a bigger common area room?

Anyone out there in the Fort Worth zone with a BIG HEART with some ability to help build a simple outdoor shaded area?

Anyone out there in the Fort Worth zone with a BIG HEART and a picnic table they would like to see go to good use?

Today I could clearly see, with a little help, and a little work, Paradise Center could easily be a paradise, inside and out.

I can't remember the last time I felt my spirits lifted by so many uplifting spirits.

Including CatsPaw.

You can find information about Paradise Center, contact info and location on the Paradise Center website.

You can learn all about the Paradise Center Scandal and the dirty deeds done in Tarrant County by those who need to be held accountable for their dirty deeds, by visiting the Paradise Center Scandal website.


  1. What a wonderful photo of you. You are smiling! Yeah!

  2. I dunno what you are talking about, MLK, I am always smiling. It is like some sorta chronic disease with me, the Always Smiling Man. But, regardless of that, thanks for your kind compliment.

  3. Great post. :) Let's ask for a 15 passenger van while we're at it! Who's got one?

    We met some very inspiring folks today who are working hard just to navigate their lives with limited resources. Teresa, her family, and the peer leaders are providing a very welcoming and inclusive place full of help and friendship.

    Anyone who has been following their story would do well to go by see for yourself what this plucky bunch is doing. They can also use gently used clothing and furnishings. If you've got some to give, just call Teresa and ask what's useful.

    And "Mr" Durango? He did smile and wasn't the least bit cranky. Or heatstruck. ;)

  4. DT, I am immensely proud of you reading this.
    My complaints to you recently have been of posing as the "bogey man" of the natural ecosystem of the Trinity River as an argument against setting foot in the Trinity by JD or ANYBODY, You can both love the river and still fight corporate/big business control of it. You seemed strangely aloof from your subject matter. Your venture into Paradise gladdens my heart. Good deeds.
    When the brutal Texas summer loosens its hold on us, I would like to take you on a beautiful kayak trip at the FW Nature Center and if you pass that; a more challenging trip from Beach Street on downriver.
    Yes, gators, gars and snakes might be encountered.

  5. Anonymous, if that really is your name, I don't want to shock you too bad, but I have already kayaked in the Trinity River. In River Legacy Park. There is a kayak/canoe launch pad at the new section of the park that you access from Collins Street on the north side of the river.

  6. That Paradise Center story involving a form of eminent domain abuse by Jim McDermott and MHMR of Tarrant County is one of the most compelling but unreported scandal account around these parts in recent memory. Thanks for your blog and this update, Mr. Texas.

    BTW, I bet Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price wishes he was operating in Tarrant County.

  7. That launch is in Arlington's River Legacy.
    Beach Street has no such formalities. Drag and drop below the spillway after perhaps fending off awakening nesters under the bridge. Take out is at Quannah Parker where you wish Fort Worth thought more along the lines of River Legacy...very difficult.
    But good payoff. The Second St,. 1920's era bridge on the way to Town Talk? Give it a wave as you sail under. Want to know what properties the City is/has condemned under Eminent Domain? See them. Hmm, what are those strange drainage pipes at head level? Oh, it's an education.
