Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tied Yellow Ribbons Around The Veterans Park Oak Trees In Arlington On The Way To ALDI In Pantego

On my way to ALDI in Pantego today I decided to go on a nature walk at Veterans Park in Arlington.

Upon arrival at Veterans Park I found the first parking lot full. Highly unusual. That and I saw few people.

I drove on to the second parking lot and found it full except for 2 spaces. I took one.

When I stepped outside my vehicular transport I expected to hear loud human noises that would explain the full parking lots.

But, at first all I saw was a few disc golfers. And then climbing up the hill towards the first parking lot, where the Veterans Park Veterans Memorial sits, I saw the picnic pavilion overfilled with people.

And most of the surrounding trees tied with a yellow ribbon.

I think you tie a yellow ribbon around a tree when someone escapes captivity, or when you're waiting for them to escape captivity, like when yellow ribbons got tied around trees all over America when the Iranians held the American Embassy staff hostage in Tehran for way too long.

I am not sure, but I think the yellow ribbon around a tree thing started up due to an annoying Tony Orlando song.

I do not know who the yellows ribbons were for today. Someone back from Iraq or Afghanistan? Someone released from Texas prison due to DNA testing?

Anyway, I was not all that into doing the walking thing today. I think I am at a low ebb of the ebb and flow cycle.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the yellow ribbons don't mean what they do here -- the tree has to be cut down because they're diseased (or in the way of a new road/lane in a road). Those are too big and nice shade trees to be lost.
