Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Sunny Sunday Morning Of The 12th Day Of June In Texas

It is the morning of the second Sunday of June. Already it is the 12th day of a new month. I think I've already said I've grown very tired of time flying.

The forecast for tomorrow is for us to get heated to 101. Over and over again, of late, the forecast has been for us to go over 100. But when the time of the forecast arrives the temperature does not go over 100.

I think tonight the forecast for the Dallas Mavericks is for them to win the NBA championship. I do not know if this game is to be played in the American Airlines Center in Dallas or the one in Miami.

I think I'll go swimming now.


  1. Shhhhhh ... let the forecasters be wrong. I would be content with a summer where the temperature didn't go over 100. In fact, I'd be even more content with a summer where temps didn't exceed about 78 degrees. Obviously, it's time for *me* to get out of Texas.

  2. The Heat is on...NOT. Great series where hard working non-celebrities won, ,,on their court AND five years after the Heat shocked the Mavs by taking four wins in a row after being down by two games.

    Nice to see Don Carter, the original owner and white cowboy hat wearer.

  3. My thoughts almost to the word, Goose. One of the best finals ever and many positive "ironies", as you had enumerated.

    One "king" dethroned and a dozen classy men crowned as the best basketball team in the world this season.

    Ya think the Startlegram will say FW and the world are green with envy?
