Monday, June 13, 2011

There Was No Rioting In My Neighborhood After Dallas Mavericks Won NBA Championship

I got up about the same time the sun did to look through the bars of my patio prison cell at the Monday morning of the 13th day of June.

There was little or no rioting in my neighborhood after the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA championship last night.

But, a few miles west of my location, in Dallas, a huge number of cops, many on horses, were assembled to stifle the celebrating fans.

I don't quite understand why the fans needed to be stifled.

It is only 79 degrees right now. I've got my windows open. But, I seem to be overheating. We still have not hit 100 in my location, despite day after day of 100 or higher being the prediction.

I think I'll go swimming now.

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