Monday, June 13, 2011

Hiking The Non-Toxic Tandy Hills After A Morning Of Toxic TV Trouble

I've been having me a day and it's only the middle of the afternoon.

This morning an unexpected complication kept me from going swimming.

The lack of swimming started the day off without my usual salubrious endorphin stimulation.

Yesterday I acquired a big TV. Too big. It has overwhelmed by technical abilities to get it to work with the AT & T U-Verse DVR deal.

When I first plugged in the new TV it instantly worked fine. But, after I installed it where I wanted it to sit and turned it on again, all I get is snow. I thought maybe the cable was malfunctioning, so I plugged in the old TV. At first it did not work. And then it did.

I have now, for now, given up on getting this new TV to work again.

I recollect having TV trouble at my sister's in Kent. She was in California on vacation. I was unable to figure out how to turn on the TV til my sister called and walked me through it.

After I gave up on the TV I called my bank and got a problem fixed. That pleased me.

And then I went hiking on the Tandy Hills. That also pleased me. The Barnett Shale Seismic Testers have made no further intrusion on to the Tandy Hills.

I told Miss Puerto Rico I'd install new speakers and sub-woofer on her computer today. I suspect that will go about as well as the TV installation.

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