Thursday, June 9, 2011

There Is No Knife In My Back This Morning Stopping Me From Today's Trinity River Happy Hour Inner Tube Float Boondoggle

Looking skyward through the bars of my patio prison cell it appears the 9th day of June is going to be yet one more clear blue sky HOT day in Texas.

I am happy to be starting the 9th day of June without the knife in my back that was sticking me with pain the past couple days.

June is already almost a third gone, once more vexing me with the feeling that time is accelerating.

Today I am very excited to be going on the first Trinity River Vision Boondoggle Trinity River Happy Hour Inner Tube Float, along with 600 other floaters.

I was confused as to where the inner tubing was taking place after it was moved from Trinity Park, due to restrictions on liquor consumption, to something called Panther Pavilion.

Gail Galtex, aka GG, alleviated me of my Panther Pavilion confusion. Apparently the inner tubing is going to take place at the (destined to be destroyed by the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle) confluence of the West and Clear forks of the Trinity River.

The Queen of Wink remains missing.

I think I will go swimming now, not in the Trinity River, which is nearby and apparently swimmable, but in a swimming pool with clear water and no alligator gar or water moccasins.

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