Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Swimming Took The Knife Out Of My Scapula So Now I Can Head West Of The Pecos To Search For The Missing Queen Of Wink

I am pleased to report that the knife that has been stuck in my scapula, for the last day, has been removed.

I'd scheduled an appointment for this afternoon with my therapist, Dr. L.C., to see if she could remove the knife.

I have canceled that appointment.

I think a long walk down the Tandy Highway, followed by some HOT hill hiking was the final cure for the knife in my scapula, with going swimming this morning starting the cure.

Changing the subject from the knife in my back.

Gar the Texan is more concerned about the missing Queen of Wink than I am. Gar the Texan is also from Wink, but never town royalty.

In the days of the Wild West in Texas, the Pecos River demarcated the line between civilization and the frontier. When you crossed the Pecos River and continued west you were in lawless territory.

A common phrase in West Texas, back in the days of the Wild West, was to "Pecos" someone, which meant to kill someone and then dump the body in the Pecos River.

I don't know how close Wink is to the Pecos River.

If the Queen of Wink does not show up by Friday the current plan is to take off Saturday morning in the Gar-Mobile and head west to the lawless territory of West Texas to try and find the missing Queen of Wink.

I took my antique camcorder down to the pool with me this morning to document my return to water.

This camcorder was bought in 2002, which truly does make it an antique in electronics years.

I thought I remembered being able to extract better photos from the video.

Maybe I've got some setting set wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. For awhile I did not realize I had the focus settings set to manual, rather than automatic. It took me awhile to figure out that was causing the image to not be sharp.

I just realized I don't think I checked the settings this morning. To the camcorder I must go now. I'll be right back....

The camcorder settings are/were correct.

I can use my non-antique new digital camera to take video. However, that involves sticking the camera on a tripod and getting the clips into Windows Movie Maker, which is not as simple as it is with the camcorder.

I got a Facebook message a few minutes ago from one of my Tacoma Informants informing me she needs to call me. Emergency. What fresh hell is this going to be? Maybe she has some information about the missing Queen of Wink.


  1. I am honored to be missed by so many! Imagine my surprise when I receive a call from my dear son, who isvisiting his father in New Orleans, that Durango messaged him on Face Book inquiring as to my whereabouts.

    I am teaching summer school and whilst in class I silence my ringer thus not hearing your call come through. And for some reason, my phone didn't log a missed call or I would have definitely returned your call!

    I am fine. I've been busy meeting up with ex husbands so they can "play" dad for a couple of weeks during the summer. What's extremely funny is when they (the biological fathers) take the kids somewhere fun...they in turn must text me and let me know what a great dad they are. Really...quite bizarre. My children never text me to tell me they are having a great time, they're calls consist of..."I miss you mom and I love you." Best phone calls ever :-)

  2. Whew! Just in the nick of time! I'll plan for yours and Gar's arrival. You'll have to pardon the mess, I've been painting and flooring the house whilst the children are away visiting their sperm donors during the summer.

  3. CT2---
    This entire scandalous mystery started due to you mysteriously disappearing from Facebook, which remains a mystery.
