Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Going Swimming Again With A Knife In My Back Without The Missing Queen Of Wink

Up early looking through the bars of my patio prison cell on the 8th morning of June at a swimming pool which is again back usable.

I am hoping that swimming this morning helps alleviate the knife in my back pain that continues to ache me.

I had some relief yesterday from the knife in my back after getting some endorphin treatment on the Tandy Hills. But, as the endorphins wore off, the knife in my back returned.

Something that has not returned is the Queen of Wink. I mentioned yesterday that she'd disappeared from Facebook. I called the Queen of Wink around noon. Left a message. No call back. The Queen of Wink is/was quite a Facebook devotee. For her Facebook account to suddenly disappear does not seem right.

The Queen of Wink had become involved with a guy who calls himself Bogart. Bogart does not look like Humphrey Bogart. Unless Humphrey were playing a role that called for him to look like a Hell's Angel. Bogart's Facebook page still exists. But, virtually everything has been removed from it. Adding to the mystery.

Switching subjects.

The smoke from the Arizona wildfires has not reached my location. But it is very smoggy here. I think it stings my eyes and makes me sneeze.

I remember the one and only time I experienced smog so bad it burned my eyes was years ago in Los Angeles. The air in Los Angeles has greatly improved from the way it was a couple decades ago.

A couple decades ago you could not see the mountains to the east when you were in Los Angeles. I did not even realize Los Angeles had a visible mountain range to the east til I was in LA during a low smog winter during a Christmas visit to Disneyland.

I am fairly certain if the smog that currently coats the Dallas/Fort Worth area, lifted, that a mountain range would not be revealed.

It is time to go swimming now.

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