Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fun Today Chasing The Tandy Hills Roadrunner

I had my second Tandy Hills Roadrunner sighting today. The first time I saw a Roadrunner running on the Tandy Hills it was running south on the main trail that leads in from View Street.

Today I parked on View Street rather than the summit of Mount Tandy. I was barely on the trail, heading north, when I realized the Tandy Hills Roadrunner was leading the way.

It is not easy to get a picture of a Roadrunner running. The one you're looking at was my best effort.

I lost the Roadrunner at the part of the View Street trail, at the far north end, where it loops above the freeway.

A couple days ago I saw what I thought looked to be a coyote, running across the prairie atop Mount Tandy.

I wonder if the Tandy Hills Roadrunner and the Tandy Hills Coyote ever have fun playing with each other?

Switching subjects from cartoon characters, my pool is back working again.

This morning I woke up to find a pain in my shoulder blades that felt like a knife was stabbing me. Not that I've ever been stabbed, but I imagine this is how it must feel.

The knife in my back is better now. I don't know if going swimming would be good for this ailment. Or exacerbate it.

When I returned here, this afternoon, I saw Miss Puerto Rico. I was surprised to see she has turned into a redhead since I saw her a couple days ago.

There seems to be some sort of epidemic, in my immediate zone, of drastic hair color changes. So far I am immune from the epidemic.

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