Tuesday, June 7, 2011

High Pressure Chemicals & A Missing Queen Of Wink Worrying Me The 7th Day Of June

Looking out at the pool early this 7th morning of June the water appears to be crystal clear. One would think this would mean my swimming pool is back swimmable.

One would be wrong to think that.

The pump is still not working right, that water has been extremely shocked. Shocking a pool is pool-speak meaning the water has been dosed with chemicals. The chemicals flash off over time.

I think the chemicals somehow prevent algae from growing, but I'm not sure. The fact that til those chemicals flash off the water is dangerous seems worrisome to me. But, I've had 12 years to get used to it, so it doesn't worry me all that much anymore. It's just one more thing I wonder about and then accept.

I had my bedroom window open all night. I don't know if that was a good idea. This morning I shut the windows and am running the A/C. This morning I learned we have been being heated 6 to 10 degrees above normal for the past 10 days. A humongous high pressure ridge sits over Texas creating summer type furnace conditions.

On a totally non-weather related subject. Overnight the Queen of Wink has disappeared from Facebook. Princess Annie of Wink is still on Facebook. Shelby the Dog of Wink is still on Facebook. But the Queen of Wink is gone.

I will call the Queen of Wink later today and try to solve this troubling mystery.


  1. I can't read the story because I am not a "subscriber," but the Dallas Morning News site has a front page story headlined "UT students qualify for in-state tuition by buying parcels of land in Wink, Texas." Maybe the Queen is busy with Wink civic boosterism and raking in real estate commissions from furriners?

  2. Here is another Trinity River Vision story that several other people have probably already sent you:

