Thursday, June 2, 2011

Getting My Tandy Hills Endorphin Fix While Thinking About Fort Worth's Paradise Center

Yesterday I had no aerobic endorphin stimulating activity except for swimming.

Endorphin withdrawal hits quick and hard.

I remedied that today by hitting the Tandy Hills quick and hard.

There are still plenty of wildflowers coloring up the Tandy Hills landscape, like the delicate looking one blowing in the breeze in the picture.

I returned to my current location in a much better mood than when I left my current location.

And then soon had my much better mood turned into a somewhat foul mood.

If you've been following the Paradise Center Scandal you've likely read some of the extremely ugly comments some extremely ugly commenters have made.

I don't moderate the Paradise Center Scandal Blog comments. I can delete a bad comment after it gets published. But I've not yet done so.

The worst of these ugly type comments are the ones that go after the daughter of the director of the Paradise Center. The commenters making the ugly comments all act as if they are proponents and supporters of MHMR-TC and its CEO Jim McDermott.

Some of the comments brag about all the great things MHMR-TC has bought and installed in the old Paradise Center building. And then make fun of what is in the new Paradise Center building.

Which had me feeling real bad and real stupid today, whilst hiking the Tandy Hills, when I remembered Miss Puerto Rico calling me and asking me if I knew anyone who might want her perfectly fine 36 inch TV. It did not cross my mind to take it to the Paradise Center. Miss PR gave it to one of her co-workers.

I do not know what type items, if any, Paradise Center currently needs. Are there any church or service groups in Tarrant County that could inquire as to what might be needed? And help?

I'm guessing Paradise Center might appreciate outdoor furniture, like lawn chairs. Indoor furniture, maybe, like couches and chairs. I'll try and find out what, if anything, Paradise Center could use some help with.


  1. I know I must control myself, but that ever-creepy, grammar- and punctuation-challenged, self-satisfied, troll-on-the-public's-clock "Anonymous" makes me want to hit something or someone.

    I hope she'll be thrilled to know that she just caused me to send PC some cash. And I'm going to take them some fine-quality toilet paper in Anonymous' name soon. (Further comment self-censored as it makes me look just as bad.)

    You really need to go visit, Durango. I think you will be welcomed like a rockstar.

  2. CatsPaw, you make the absolute best comments. The Anonymous MHMR-TC comments today were the worst. I'm glad you are seeing all those comments, near as I can tell. They get spread over a lot of postings. I need to do another comment compilation.

    As for visiting Paradise Center. I fully intended to do that on Memorial Day. But, stuff intervened.

    Glad you're making a TP delivery. That Anonymous shot was so low.

    I am still kicking myself for not getting PC that TV. I won't make that mistake again.

  3. We don't understand why the massive taxpayer funded agency has so much hate and has the need to constantly show its hate and abuse of the disabled organization and their dignified leader.

    The people who should be held accountable for this mess and very abusive conduct include not just the McDermott gang but their sponsor (bosses) the Tarrant County government.

    Of course, the money McDermott spent to buy off advocacy organizations NAMI and MHA is allowing this bullying and abuse to take place since these money-rich but morally-bankrupt advocacy groups have knowingly turned a blind eye to all that's perpetrated against those that they're supposed to stand up for and speak up on behalf of in such a situation. Disgusting to see.

  4. She's back again and hurting my widdle feelers. I know I shouldn't poke a snake, but it's just so much fun.

  5. CatsPaw, snakes is a perfect description of these particular lowlifes who work at MHMR of Tarrant County. I just feel so badly for the scores of other people who provide competent professional services on behalf of this taxpayer funded agency. It's the same feeling I experience when reading about people forced to live under oppression overseas. But this is the United States of freakin' America, man.

    Keep poking at these slimy snakes and sooner or later someone will chop their heads off.
