Friday, June 3, 2011

A Humid Morning In June Wondering Where The Panther Pavilion Is On The Trinity River

It is the morning of the 3rd day of June. I am currently feeling a bit trapped. So the view looking through the bars of my patio prison cell is an apt metaphor for my current mind frame.

It is 73 degrees outside my currently open windows. I do not think the windows are going to be open for very long. It is humid out there, making it humid in here.

We are scheduled for a high of 96 today. 99 on Saturday.

I heard from a Seattle dweller this morning I'd not heard from in awhile. Just like everyone else up there is doing, she verbalized her displeasure over the non-stop rain.

Currently it must be very green in the Evergreen State. The last two times I've been in that zone they've been in drought mode with a lot less green than the norm.

I heard from a reliable source, this morning, that the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle has had to move their Trinity River Inner Tubing Happy Hour Floats from Fort Worth's Trinity Park to something called the Panther Pavilion, due to the consumption of adult beverages not being allowed in the park.

I have no idea where Panther Pavilion is. How am I going to get my free inner tube and do my drunken Trinity River inner tubing if I don't know where Panther Pavilion is?

I think I'll stop thinking about this and go swimming instead.

1 comment:

  1. OK, this is my stomping ground, and I don't even know what the Panther Pavilion is. It must be that little bus-stop-like shelter with one bench and a water fountain (that doesn't work very well) across the pedestrian bridge. I hope the TRV cleans up all the trash in this part of the river before the big event. The water is *really* nasty there. I always try hard not to be judgmental, but these people are INSANE.
