Thursday, June 2, 2011

The 2nd Day Of June Cowtown Blues

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the blue oasis this 2nd day of June I find myself feeling a bit ill this morning.

I hope this is a fleeting feeling.

This morning the Star-Telegram had a semi breathless article about the soon to open Cowtown Wakepark. The article made some mention of the fact that some question the sanity of using the polluted Trinity River for recreational purposes where bare skin is in contact with that particular water.

I called my mom yesterday when I got gas. No answer. My mom called back last night, but I was separated from my phone and did not hear the voice mail til this morning. I guess I will need to make a non-gas related call to my mom today. If I remember.

Betty Jo Bouvier also called me yesterday. She was concerned when she read she was going to be helping me unpack when I move back to Washington.

This morning there were a lot of Facebook comments in my email box. About half of them I don't understand what the person is talking about.

I think I will go swimming now and not think about anything.

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