Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Adrian Murray Has Some Questions For Fort Worth's Next Mayor Jim Lane

The distinguished looking gentleman you are looking at in the picture is Adrian Murray.

Adrian Murray was in the most recent race to get elected to the Tarrant Regional Water District. Instead of electing Adrian Murray, the few people who voted chose to keep Jim Lane on the water board.

Jim Lane is currently running against Betsy Price, hoping to become the new mayor of Fort Worth.

Adrian Murray was supporting Cathy Hirt for mayor. When the voters chose not to support Cathy Hirt, Cathy Hirt threw her support to Jim Lane.

Most Cathy Hirt supporters became Jim Lane supporters.

But not the rebel known as Adrian Murray. Adrian Murray endorsed Betsy Price for mayor.

And then proceeded to have some interesting questions for Jim Lane, questions asked on Facebook...

Question for Jim Lane: In June 2010, Carl Bell, owner of the FW Cats was in default on his loans and teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and foreclosure when the Tarrant Regional Water District handed him $17.5 million for 41 acres of environmentally contaminated land around LaGrave Field, allegedly for the TRV "flood control project". Since Carl Bell is a friend of yours, how do you explain your vote on this?

Question for Jim Lane: The Tarrant Regional Water District has earned hundreds of millions of dollars in gas royalties that are shared with developers and lobbyists for the TRV but not with the people in the district. You say the law prohibits water districts from using royalties to offset property taxes or water rates. If you are for the people, why have you not fought to overturn this exemption?

Question for Jim Lane: Why is the Tarrant Regional Water District exempt from the state's Open Meetings law. If you're for the people why would you not champion open meetings so all the financial skullduggery happening with the TRV could be exposed?

If Jim Lane answers Adrian Murray's questions, I will let you know.....


  1. Here's a question, why are die hard republicans supporting Lane? Because of the alternative...

  2. I commend Mr. Adrian Murray for his excellent questions.

  3. The answer to all the question is "It's the Fort Worth Way". You know: cowboys, culture...cronyism and corruption.

    The sad part is that the citizens allow these crooks to drive them like a herd of longhorns, with no thought processing capabilities or even a voice to say " Whoa, there partner...." We get what we're willing to tolerate.

  4. If Jim Lane is elected mayor, will he have to step down from the TRWD board? Or can he hold both offices? I haven't heard any discussion of this, but Betsy sure had to give up her elected position to run.

    Jim already has a great deal of power over the TRV project, and electing him mayor might give him even more.

    But it really doesn't matter. The project will move forward under either candidate. And it's all legal too, because "the club" got the Texas Legislature to make it so in 2005 with HB 2639.

  5. Whether Jim Lane steps down or not, he'll still be behind the boondoggle ....from behind the scene instead of up front like right now. Plus, the city council has district 8 Rep. Kathleen "the license plate judge" Hicks sitting on the TRV Board as its representative for quite a while now.

    If he wins, the question is what he's going to do with the city ethics board that he was appointed a member of just last summer.
