Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tandy Falls Is Almost Dried Up After Yesterday's Futile Fort Worth City-Wide Vote

In the picture you are looking at an aerial view of the currently trickling Tandy Falls, today around noon.

Today I decided that the next time we get rain in downpour mode I am going to go to the Tandy Hills with an umbrella, wearing shoes that I don't care if they get covered with mud, and hike in to Tandy Falls to see what it looks like in flash flood mode.

It was another unusually cool day for May today, in the 60s, which made for pleasant hiking. Due to my Vitamin D deficiency I hike with as much skin exposed as possible. I think I mentioned yesterday I am rather pale compared to how tanned I am, usually, by this point in time.

I have heard from a couple of political pundits regarding yesterday's Fort Worth election.

Steve A opined, "If I lived in Fort Worth, I'd sooner crawl over broken glass than vote for Lane. I think if he becomes mayor, you'll soon be missing Mike..."

While Gail Galtex said, "I like Jim and his cowboy hat now. On a positive note, the anti-establishment got 29% of the vote. Jim Lane should figure out how to reach this group and may get them by default anyway."

I'm thinking it is real odd that Texas has elections where all you vote for is the mayor and your city council person. Elections cost a lot of money to hold. Fort Worth is supposedly low on money. How much was wasted on this most recent exercise in futility?

Why not just automatically install as mayor the Oligarchy's pick? How much money did Cathy Hirt and Dan Barrett spend in their futile effort? Jim Lane's effort is not yet futile. He is the FWRO's #2 choice.

It is time to quit thinking about these serious matters and go have lunch.

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