Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Sunny May Sunday The Day After The Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy Wins Again

The 15th day of May has dawned both sunny and Sunday. It is a chilly 50 degrees out in outdoor world. Same as yesterday's morning.

The chilly 50, yesterday, made the pool feel as if the water was heated. I suspect that will also be the case this morning.

Well. We have had part one of our election here in Fort Worth. Part two is on June 18.

I can not tell you how shocked I am that the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy's picks won.

Betsy Price got 43.3% of the vote. Jim Lane got 26.3%. Cathy Hirt trailed at 21.4%. While Dan Barrett trailed even further at 8.3%.

The number of registered voters voting was up from the 6% who voted to re-elect Fort Worth's current corrupt mayor, Mike Moncrief, with 70% of the vote.

This election a whopping 33,860 registered voters voted, out of a total of 326,623 registered Fort Worth voters.

I am really no good at all when it comes to math, but it appears to my rudimentary math skills that over 10% of Fort Worth's registered voters bothered to vote. A massive increase of 4% over the 6% who bothered to re-elect the aforementioned corrupt Mike Moncrief.

So, congratulations to Kay Granger's and the FWRO's pick for mayor, Betsy Price.

I guess I'll be voting for Jim Lane now. If I bother to vote. Which is sort of unlikely.


  1. If I lived in Fort Worth, I'd sooner crawl over broken glass than vote for Lane. I think if he becomes mayor, you'll soon be missing Mike...

  2. I like Jim and his cowboy hat now.

  3. On a positive note, the anti-establishment got 29% of the vote. Jim Lane should figure out how to reach this group and may get them by default anyway.

  4. ...guess you could say you get (by by not voting)what you deserve. Apathy is all around. Pity.
