Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Tandy Hills Have Already Dried Out From This Week's Deluge

I figured the trails of the Tandy Hills would be muddy in places today, due to the heavy rains of Wednesday and Thursday.

But, no mud stuck to me today.

Absolutely perfect temperature. 65 degrees, with a good wind blowing.

I don't know if the Fort Worth water boys finished their sanitary sewer project. I do know that the bridge they so carefully engineered over Tandy Creek has washed out again.

But this time it is not a complete washout. I think each time the bridge gets rebuilt it gets rebuilt a bit better than the previous one.

I saw no humans on the Tandy Hills today. I thought maybe the Tandy Hills Wildflower Extravaganza might still be happening by the time I hit the hills. But, I don't think it was.

Steve A had an amusing blog post today titled "Cold Dark Winter - North Texas Version" about how our weather in North Texas, this year, has us paler and deficient in Vitamin D, as compared to a year ago. Complete with photo documentation.

I remember when I flew up to Washington in April of 2006 I was already suntanned and had to endure comments about my suntannedness. If I flew up to Washington, right now, I don't think I'd hear any comments about my suntannedness.

First off, because I am not very tanned, second off, because I would stay way from those types who make comments about ones level of suntannedness.

Anyway, I must go get in some lounge time around the pool now and work on my suntan.

All I found to get at Town Talk today was a lot of roma tomatoes and sharp cheese. I could have gotten a talking tulip for a buck. But I really so no good use for a talking tulip.

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