Monday, May 16, 2011

Up Early In The Dark With The Thin Man Thinking About The Seattle Sonics Beating The Dallas Mavericks

The Shadow of the Skinny Dipping Thin Man stepped out into the darkness to retreive his swimming suit well before the arrival of the sun on this 16th day of May.

It seems like just yesterday I complained it was already the 16th of April and that time was flying to fast, rapidly aging me.

The cold temperatures, in mid-May continue to be a bit bizarre. It is only 53 in the outer world in my vicinity right now. Heading to a high today of 73.

Last night was too cold to have my bedroom window open. Is this portending for a record breaking cold summer in North Texas?

As anyone who knows me knows, I am a real rabid sports fanatic. So, I am switching the subject from the weather to sports.

I did not realize the Seattle Supersonics, now known as the Oklahoma Thunder, were in the NBA playoffs. I remember decades ago when the Sonics won the championship for their one and only time before Aubrey McClendon stole the Soncis from Seattle and moved them inland to Oklahoma City.

Yesterday the former Sonics won Game 7 against Memphis, in a game played in Oklahoma City, which had the OKC Thunders fans on their feet chanting, "We want Dallas! We want Dallas!"

So, now the Dallas Mavericks and the former Seattle Sonics are playing best of 7 to see who wins the Western Conference finals of the NBA championship tournament.

Even though I am a rabid sports fan, I won't be watching.

And right now the sun has lit up the place enough that I think it is time for my morning swim.

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