Thursday, April 7, 2011

Smelling Roses In Arlington's Veterans Park And A Bigger Stink In Fort Worth's MHMR Of Tarrant County

I had to be in Pantego today. Pantego is close to Arlington's Veterans Park. Which had me deciding to go walking in Veterans Park before going to Pantego.

Upon arrival at Veterans Park and exiting my motor transport device I was immediately hit with air heavily perfumed by roses.

It was like being stuck on an elevator with someone with way too much perfume or cologne. Only not annoying.

Those are the smelly roses in the picture, below the waving flags and the soldier guarding them.

I am starting to get ever more annoyed at the Mental Health Mental Retardation of Tarrant County people who make comments regarding the Paradise Center Scandal. I don't mean to be too rude, but they are so incredibly stupid.

One of the issues in this scandal is the fact that the Paradise Center was an independent operation, which MHMR helped. MHMR represented itself as running the operation, which is not true. Then MHMR staged their February 17 coup d'etat, kicking out the Paradise Center and putting their possessions in a storage container.

In the Anonymous comment below, the Anonymous MHMR moron is bragging about all that MHMR is doing to the old Paradise Center. Which begs the question, if the Paradise Center was a MHMR operation why were these good things not done previously, if the quality of the Paradise Center's stuff was so trashy?

Below is the comment I'm talking about, and then below that I do more commenting.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fort Worth's Paradise Center Scandal Now Has A Blog":

No it was not a April Fool's joke. Adults I am around "act like Adults" amd we do not play childish April Fools jokes. We have better things to do with our "Time". Yes, it is true that the new Drop In Center is Upgrading the old Paradise Center Building. Yes, Sam's Club is bringing supplies to us. With the cost of gasoline it is cost effective to have it delivered. The "old couches" were heavily used and Steve (Teresa's Davis husband) had put stacks of boards under the middle of the couches which didn't help much, and definitely made them look "trashy". New couches are ordered to replace the "junk". My understanding MHMRTC actually purchased those and that is why they are still there and not in storage. MHMRTC is replacing them with couches that will hold up to alot of wear, that will hold up to people flopping down on them, and accommodate heavy clients as well. The PROS brag alot, but, it has now been six weeks and Teresa Davis, her so called board, has accomplished very little. Let's see you act like "grownups" and rent your own storage building, rent you a Uhaul and put your own "dumpsters best" items in storage.

Has it occurred to MHMR people that maybe the Paradise Center's lawyers have told them not to touch the stuff that MHMR took possession of and placed in a POD storage container?

Today on the Paradise Center Scandal blog I compiled all the comments to that blog from the past 3 days. It is a daunting task to do that. If I don't figure out an easier way I don't think I'll be doing any  more comment compiling.


  1. small businesspersonApril 8, 2011 at 6:39 PM

    I don't think Mega corporation Walmart $Sam's Club got so big and profitable by making dumb business decisions. You don't think that the delivery, and the rising gasoline prices, are being tacked on to the total cost? Simple economics and basic business operations,--successful and profitable ones anyways ..and not usually associated with taxpayer funded bureaucracies.

    Unless MHMR-TC got some sweetheart deal going with Sam's, I highly question the truthfulness of this claim by the MHMR-TC shill. I'm always open to learning new things and being corrected. Give it to me, mhmr propagandist.

  2. Trashy outside but classy insideApril 9, 2011 at 12:42 AM

    Despite the vicious personal attacks on Ms. Davis, then her little daughter, and now her chronically sick husband (mentioned somewhere on this or the scandal blog), I cannot get away from my gut feeling and sense that these are kind and decent Americans, citizens, and neighbors.

    The mhmr folks are trying real hard to paint Steven as some bad person, but the truth behind the intended smear seems to be that this man was trying his best to relate and help "the least among you". No he's not rich like ceo Mcdermott to buy expensive and shiny (what?) stuff but it appears that the guy was trying to do what he could with what he had at his disposal to help that consumer center comfortable and even feeling productive.

    From this description it sounds like there are many heavy people who came to the paradise community which put major strains on couches and chairs after so much use. So the man did what I would have done. He added support to the base frame of the couches by nailing blocks of wood to keep people safe and comfortable.

    mhmr as an organization apparently didn't care enough to help out with such basic things. I've done it many a times with my own furniture since I don't have access to hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to do do a makeover costing tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars.

    And they have the gall to boast about expensive new couches (bought by the ceo himself??)and in the same breath to denigrade acts of kindness (no mention of him charging for anything, including time, effort, gas, etc.) by a decent guy by focusing on the superficial part "it looks trashy". which is kind of a good metaphor for the difference between the pros and the cons: "trashy" outer appearance with moral depth inside vs. expensive shiny new external things with a rather trashy internal make-up.

    Count me in as wanting to be with the first group. Messed up priorities and convoluted moral values. No wonder there are so many resentful and angry comments from mhmr employees.

  3. Yeah, you've good a great point re the illogical bragging about the furnishings of the center, Durango.

    Apparently, critical thinking skills and common sense/decency are not valued at mhmr under little jimmy mcdermott.

    Any pictures of the "new" (like our "TIME"--wtf??)furniture or the POD that's supposed to hold everything owned by paradise inc.?

    What's the latest with that unseemly pod thing anyways?
