Friday, April 8, 2011

On The 2nd Friday Of April I Learned I Drink The Best Water In Texas

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell it appears that the 2nd Friday of April is going to be yet one more sunny day in Texas.

Currently heated to 72 degrees.

Yesterday I ran my A/C for the second time this year. I've got my windows open right now, but I suspect later today the windows will be closing and the A/C will be running again.

This morning I was a bit surprised to learn that Arlington has the best drinking water in Texas.

I believe my drinking water comes from the Arlington system. But I am not certain about that. It is perfectly tasty drinking water, just as tasty as I used to taste when I drank pristine Washington drinking water.

At my first location in Texas, in the hamlet of Haslet, on the border of far north Fort Worth, the water was not drinkable as it came out of the tap. A special filter made it slightly more drinkable.

My one and only time in San Antonio occured while I was still drinking the Haslet water. The water in San Antonio comes from the Edwards Aquifer. This water was as good, if not better, than Washington water. I fillled 2 gallon jugs with the San Antonio water to take back north with me.

So, I'm a bit surprised that Arlington's water beat San Antonio's for best in Texas.

Arlington's water now goes on to the national drinking water competition, held by the American Water Works Association. No Texas water has ever won the national competition. That is really shocking.

Water seems to be the theme this morning. So, now I guess I will go swimming in it.

Talk to you later.

1 comment:

  1. I recall a news report from the early 1990's that most of the bottled water on the market then actually came from FW water. Of course, things have changed quited a bit in over a decade, but I still remember intentionally looking for a bottled water then to confirm the report. And sure enough at least three of the limited producers had FW as the source on their bottled water labels.
