Friday, April 15, 2011

I Came Back From The Tandy Hills Today To Learn I Have Been Handpicked To Help The Prairie Fest Get Setup

I made it to the Tandy Hills in the noon timeframe today for the first time in a few days.

It is not being particularly hot today, only in the low 70s. But it is being very windy. The windiest I've ever experienced on the Tandy Hills. Earlier today the gusts were up to 55mph. Currently 35mph.

The pink wildflowers in the picture look like they'd be blown apart by heavy wind, but they seemed to be surviving just fine.

The horizon to the north was looking very smoggy as I drove back from the Tandy Hills. I suspect this heavy wind is blowing in some wildfire smoke. I'm going over to Miss Puerto Rico's in a bit to take a picture of the panoramic view to the north from her balcony. And feed the cat.

I got an urgent message from Don Young a short while ago. Congratulating me for being a hand-picked individual. Below is the message....

Congratulations! YOU are among a few hand-picked individuals invited to be on the Prairie Fest set-up Posse. Your help is needed to prepare for the festival site for the 4 - 5,000 people who will attend Prairie Fest.

We need your help the day before the festival doing the following:

-Setting up a few tents
-Installing signs and banners
-Setting up the stage
-Arranging barricades and hay bales
-Unloading and setting up tables and other equipment
  • We need reliable individuals with willpower and stamina. Handyman-woman skills are a plus.
  • Work will start Friday April 22 at 10 am and end about 7 pm with breaks for lunch.
  • Bring tools, wheel barrows, garden wagons, hand-trucks, gloves and whatever else you need. Water will be available.
This is an URGENT request for assistance. RSVP.

Yesterday I told you I ran into Stenotrophomonas on the Tandy Hills, picking up litter and putting it into a black garbage bag.

Today, part way up Mount Tandy, I found a black garbage bag sitting beside the trail.

Was this the Stenotrophomonas bag?

My best guess is that his bag burst open, so Stenotrophomonas left it in this location til he could return with more garbage bags.

The wind was not impacting too strongly on the damaged bag. I'll bring a bag with me tomorrow in case this abandoned bag is still being a hazardous waste site.

1 comment:

  1. You guessed it right. I consolidated a part-filled bag with one of the bags at the top of Mt.Tandy. Unfortunately, the bag I had was bought at Town Talk, where not all .85 mil bags are equal, and it began spouting out its contents.
    So this afternoon, I brought another bag, and all the garbage is safely deposited in the Chelsea St. picnic area trash barrel.
    But if you do bring a bag in Saturday, there's plenty to pick up around Mt.Tandy. I'll be at work, so enjoy the Hills.
