Friday, April 15, 2011

Halfway Through April Thinking Of Riding Mass Transit That Does Not Exist To Six Flags Over Texas In Arlington

We are already halfway through April. I tire of lamenting the rapid passage of time.

I got up about the same time the sun did this morning. As you can see, looking at one of my views of the outdoor world, it is yet one more blue sky morning in Texas.

Yesterday's predicted Thunderstorm did not arrive in my location. I saw no mention made of lightning striking in other locations in North Texas, when I checked the news this morning.

CatsPaw identified the big purple wildflower I found on the top of Mount Tandy yesterday as a variety of bearded iris. Iris's are one of the flowers grown commercially in the Skagit Valley of Washington, along with daffodils, tulips and flags.

Speaking of Washington. I did not know, til I read it this morning, that a new section of light rail is under construction in Seattle, with the new line extending from downtown to the University of Washington.

It is a subway line. Building the subway tunnel workers discovered some long buried artifacts from earlier years. Items like shoes and long sections of boardwalk. Seattle used to have really steep hills that were made less steep by using water to do what  was called re-grading.

Recently Mr. and Mrs. Galtex were in Seattle, doing some lamenting about the steep hills. I wonder if they knew the hills used to be way steeper and taller?

This morning in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram I read some lamenting about the lack of regional transit planning in this slightly backwards zone. It does sort of appall me that no one seems to think it makes sense to have a mass transit system connecting all the towns that make up the D/FW Metroplex.

Minimally, you would think someone would think it a good idea to connect Dallas and Fort Worth to Arlington's Six Flags/Cowboy Stadium/Ballpark in Arlington/Hurricane Harbor zone with a people moving system like the Dallas DART trains.

It is time to change the subject from the lack of public transit, where I am currently located, to last night's setting sun seen as I walked back here from doing my cat tending duties at Miss Puerto Rico's. The sun was glowing reddish-orange.

I suspect smoke from wildfires may have contributed to the coloring of the sun.

I think I will go swimming before it gets any later.


  1. Ah, Durango,"lamenting" is too strong; I think "remarked upon" is closer to what I said.

    Yes, we had heard about old underground Seattle and wanted to take this tour, but didn't make it this trip. Maybe next time?

  2. Mr. Galtex confused me. Then I remembered the blogging to which he refers. I say "lamenting" you say "remarked upon." What I heard was words about steep hills and it sounded like a lament to me.

    In all my years of living in Washington I never took the Seattle Underground Tour. The excavating for the new tunnel to the UW is a ways to the northeast of the Underground Seattle zone in Pioneer Square.
