Friday, April 15, 2011

The Smoky Windy View From Miss Puerto Rico's Balcony

I zoomed the view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony so you could more clearly see how unclear the air is on this Friday, April 15 in my zone of North Texas.

The wind continues to gust.

I like a good windstorm, but I am ready for dead calm to return.

I would have gone for an afternoon swim if it weren't for the whitecaps on the pool.

By the time I got back here, from Miss Puerto Rico's, I realized I'd forgotten to check on the cat and its food supply.

Note to anyone reading this. It really is not wise to have me babysitting any animate creature. I did remember to reset the security alarm, so I'm not really totally 100% irresponsible.

Below is video I took a few minutes ago of the view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony of the wind blowing and being loud....

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