Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Second Day Of March Thinking About Taking The Train From Texas To Arizona

The pool is looking more inviting on the 2nd day of March than it was yesterday, due to the temperature being only 3 degrees shy of 50.

I had myself an insomnia bout last night. And then, when I finally passed out, I had myself a roller coaster ride of disturbing nightmares.

Disturbing nightmares, the details of which I retain too much memory.

My mom called me again last night with a plan. She thinks it sounds fun if I'd take a one-way conveyance to Phoenix and then mom and dad would drive me back to Texas. Well, actually, I would do the driving.

It sort of sounds fun to take Amtrak to Arizona. Amtrak does not go directly to Phoenix. The nearest stop to Phoenix is Maricopa, where my brother lives.

I have only ridden on Amtrak once. From Tacoma to Portland and back. By the time I got to Portland the train ride had given me a splitting headache that lasted all weekend. Then on the way back to Tacoma I basically got seasick from the constant rocking motion that was worse than a ferry boat caught in a major tide change. I was barely back to Tacoma and on the freeway when I had to exit the freeway to throw up.

Maybe Amtrak to Arizona is not such a good idea.

I think I'll go swimming now and think about it.

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