Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Today's Shadow Of The Tandy Thin Man Thinking About Good News For Fort Worth's Paradise Center

The sun was in full exposure mode at noon today, which brought the Shadow of the Tandy Thin Man into view. Because it was noon it made for a very short Shadow of the Tandy Thin Man.

Sources close to the situation tell me that there may be good news soon about the Paradise Center. It seems there are some good people in Fort Worth who when they learn someone has done a bad deed, come forward and try to help right the wrong.

I also heard from Wandalyn again. Wandalyn is going to look into the idea of starting a blog as a memorial to her murdered daughter.

And, as if Wandalyn does not have enough grief, she was coming home to the apartment she lives in with another daughter, to find the body of a young black man. Shot in the head. Wandalyn called 911 and then waited by the bod until police arrived.

I saw my first Tandy Hills wildflowers of the year today.

68 degrees out there coming up on 4 in the afternoon. My windows are open. Daylight Savings Time starts up March 13. I would prefer it not to start up.


  1. Regarding Paradise Center Lost, is the good news the result of the FW Star-Telegram's finally reporting on this heartbreaking story? Because I totally missed it somehow.

    I bet it's a kind church-going citizen who is stepping up for "the least of these"?

  2. Concerned social workerMarch 2, 2011 at 6:36 AM

    Rumors around MHMR from employees is that the CEO and top management are acting very nervous and even paranoid, asking lots of questions about "leaks" and restricting communication with media.

    Some caseworkers we know and work with on regular collaborative projects even expressed uneasiness about not so subtle "orders" to pressure their clients who are supporting Teresa and Paradise into "getting in line/under control".

    At least one used the fact that her client is a former prison inmate to try to scare him into not speaking out because she told him if the police get involved, he could be arrested and returned to prison. Shocking. Just shocking.

    There's something much more to this scandal, Mr. Durango. Thanks for staying on it.

  3. Is it true that the owners of the restaurant down the corner from the former paradise Center community center is the generous benefactor?
