Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Millions Worldwide Annoyed Because Facebook Scrabble Is Not Working

Facebook's Scrabble is causing an International Upset as Scrabble Addicts World-wide are unable to get their fix for the past couple days due to a Facebook Scrabble malfunction.

Getting beat regularly by the Scrabble Queens of Washington and California is just about the only mental stimulation I get on a daily basis.

So, with Facebook Scrabble not working I am current not mentally stimulated.

On the Facebook Scrabble page there is a link to a Scrabble Forum. That is where I learned people all over the world are not happy right now, due to their Scrabble withdrawal pains.

One person came up with the bizarre conspiracy theory that Mark Zuckerberg, he being Facebook's inventor, shut down Scrabble after being miffed that Social Network, the movie based on Facebook, did not when the Best Picture Oscar at Sunday's Academy Awards.

To me this seems a rather far fetched conspiracy theory. Though there are those who have made note of the supposed fact that Scrabble went down very quickly after Social Network did.

If Facebook Scrabble does not resume working today I am going to need to find something else to stimulate me mentally.


  1. I am so angry because Icannot play Scrabble and have been unable to play it for a few days. I had better not have been force forfeited on amy game or I will go nuts HURRY UP AND FIX IT

  2. Scrabble sure doesn't mind brain washing us with 5 second commercials between each play...but, ask them to fix scrabble? How hard can that be. Maybe they should ask Bill Gates how to do it...correctly!

  3. Glad to note that it is not only me who is finding it difficult to play Scrabble Worldwide. Soooo frustrating and annoying. Come on guys you have many people waiting for you to fix the problem.

  4. I have outages that last for days. I have 20 games going, and I get a lot of nudges to play my turn. Considering how long these problems have been going on, it does seem to be a situation of not allocating appropriate resources to the issues.

  5. I ave 20 players at the moment who are playing this new scrabble..out of all only 4 plays regularly.where in my old scrabble ,I used to have 40 games nd felt like starting more..

  6. Are you guys really concerned about our happiness? You are not!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hi. I love playing Scrabble, but my partners just disappear sometimes.
    Yesterday I got a nudge from one of my partners who disappeared, but he didn't come up on my screen.

  8. I ha e only two games going and when I try to get new games it tells me I have reached my limit of games. Why? I can't seem to get an answer. This is not Facebook it is scrabble with friends.

  9. I'm not sure where this comment should go but worth telling you about if you have an iPhone 6. I turned down the annoying music and sounds on this game early this morning and as a result of that I noticed my alarm did not ring ( lucky I was awake) and when I got a phone call the phone didn't ring. Having thought it was an issue with my phone I checked a few other things suggested on the Apple website but still no ringing or sound. The only thing I could think of that I'd done was turn the music and sounds off in this game so I turned them back on and the phone is now ringing again. The app settings shouldn't effect the phone function but it clearly does in this case.

  10. The score keeping is sometimes wrong if you get a bingo it gets counted twice.
    What crap. If you exchange tiles it does not seem to hold your exchange tiles until after the exchange.
