Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Paradise Center Scandal Has Morphed Into MHMR-GATE

I'd been calling the shady dealings done to the Paradise Center by the Tarrant County Mental Health Mental Retardation Agency the Paradise Center Scandal.

I now think it more accurate to call this particular scandal the MHMR-Gate Scandal.

Because, near as I can tell, the scandal emanates from the MHMR agency.

Paradise Center, its clients and Teresa Davis are the victims.

I heard from a concerned social worker, this morning, that rumors are flowing around MHMR, via employees, that the CEO, Jim McDermott, and his underlings are acting nervous and paranoid.

Likely the CEO has now been made aware of the legal implications of his actions. Some caseworkers have grown uneasy with the orders being given by MHMR's CEO and top management.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has still not reported on the MHMR-Gate Scandal, as far as I know. Today FW Weekly's weekly issue hits the newsstands. We'll see if FW Weekly has an article about the MHMR-Gate Scandal.


  1. WOW. This could something BIG.
    I sure hope you know what you're talking about, Mr. Durango.

    We the citizens and the general public need and deserve to know more about this so-called scandal because MHMR is a trusted and large public organization. Plus many of the weakest and most vulnerable people in our society are directly affected, for better or worse.

    Do tell. PLEASE.

  2. The simple fact that these people with such severe mental and physical illnesses are so determined and resilient in their fight for justice and dignity SHOULD MAKE HEADLINES in and of itself.

    The scandalous stuff are probably enough for a series of "investigative reports". Unfortunately, institutions like the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram and even TV news are more interested in entertainment than hard news that serves the community's interests. Sad time we live in.

    Fortunately, we have the Internet, blogs, and cell phones to balance out these compromised news sources. Just look at the Middle East and Africa.
