Thursday, March 3, 2011

The 3rd Day Of March Dawns Bright & Halfway To 100 Degrees In Texas

Looking out my viewing portal on the world on this third day of March I can see it is yet one more blue sky day in Texas.

Currently heated to 50 degrees.

I think I have somehow acclimated myself to being able to tolerate a level of coldness that may be a few stages past what I should be tolerating.

Yesterday I was in the pool for around a half hour. When I got out the air felt no different than the water. Til I stepped inside, where it felt very warm.

Getting in the shower I did not realize I had the water on cold til it hit a part of me, as in my face, that had not been in the cold water.

When I got out of the shower the shivering began. It was like involuntary exercise. I'm sure it burned a lot of calories.

When the shivering stopped there seemed to be no lingering after effect that I could detect.

So, I guess I'll go swimming again this morning. As in right now. Talk to you later.

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