Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Walking Around Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake Today Thinking About Old Bags In Tacoma

I could not get to one of my daily constitutional zones til around 4 this afternoon, unless you count my early morning swimming constitutional, which this morning somehow caused me a very interesting shivering sensation for about an hour out of the pool.

As you can see in the view looking north at Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park, it is a nice blue sky day in Texas.  Well, this part of Texas.

It is currently 72. Windows open.

I just heard from my therapist, Dr. L.C., desperately seeking Elsie Hotpepper. I thought Elsie was with Dr. L.C., so I am of no use in the locate Elsie Hotpepper project.

I'd not gotten any email from my Tacoma Informant for awhile. I got one today telling me to look at Fubbo's Blog, because she'd had one of her incidents and blogged about it. I'd not looked at Fubbo's Blog in a long time, because, well, quite frankly, it's so badly written and so, well, uninteresting.

Apparently Fubbo was in her booth at one of the flea markets she works on the junk dealer circuit.

Fubbo was working the booth with some sad sap who hasn't figured out she is dealing with a sociopathic nutcase suffering from histrionic narcissistic disorder, who's a convicted felon who's done hard time for stealing 100s of thousand of dollars. And, currently this sad sap thinks Fubbo is a good business partner. The sad sap will wise up eventually.

So, this little old lady from Yakima comes up to Fubbo's booth and asks if she could have a bag to put her purchases in. Fubbo's "business partner" kindly gave the old lady a bag. Which set Fubbo off on one of her tantrums. Directed at both the old lady and the "business partner."

Fubbo making a big deal over a bag is classic Fubbo and why she was too toxic, by far for me to allow myself to be subjected to. Rather than worry about being 100s of pounds overweight, rather than worry about being addicted to psychotropic drugs, rather than worry about all the real things she should be worrying  about, Fubbo attacks an old lady over asking if she can have a bag and attacks her "business partner" who gave the old lady a bag.

Fubbo really was let out of jail way too soon. Psychiatric treatment should have been one of the conditions of her release. I don't think lobotomies are still performed.

On a totally different note on a much more pleasant subject. I told my mom last night I'd look at one-way options to Phoenix today. Bus, train or plane. I had it in mind that ground transport, without me having to drive, would be fun.

But then I started realizing what a living hell being stuck in a bus or train for 30 plus hours would be. This started making the 2 hours in a plane option seem much more appealing.

The only thing worse I can think of, than being stuck in a bus for 30 hours, would be being stuck in a flea market booth with Fubbo for 6 hours. No, worse would be being stuck on a plane next to Fubbo for 2 hours.


  1. Oh, give the bus a shot. You seem interested in people. Think of it as an interesting sociological experiment. You're likely to get tons of material for your blog. And you only have to live through it once ... and then thank your lucky stars you don't have to travel that way all the time.

    I used to like to ride the bus when I was in college. I'd ride the 100 miles to my boyfriend's school for the weekend. I'd always sit near the back because that's where the really interesting people were. One guy I will never forget approached me earnestly asking, "Wanna see my TEETH?" I thought it better not to to tell him no, so he held out his hand and revealed two relatively fresh bloody specimens. That's when I noticed his mouth was bleeding. He'd gotten into a dustup with some joker at an earlier stop on his bus ride. Tell me you couldn't make hay out of something like *that*.

    Yeah, it can be smelly. You are unlikely to want to repeat it. You *will* probably thank your lucky stars you don't have to.

    But I defy you to not find it interesting. :)

  2. Cats Paw, I have ridden the Fort Worth buses. I've not had interesting experiences like you've had. Maybe I need to try a new route. The FW buses are fun. They are like some weird theme park ride.
