Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Shadow Of The Tandy Hills Thin Man Speaking Softy & Carrying A Big Stick With Wild Boars & Elsie Hotpepper

You can pretty much tell by how long the Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man is today that I was on the hills late in the day. You can't really tell it by the picture, but I was carrying a big stick with me today. My whacking stick.

I came upon nothing that needed whacking.

This morning one of the TRIP Rebels emailed me asking me a question about the TRV Boondoggle. The question had to do with funding for the TRV.

Which, as I was hiking the Tandy Hills today, had me wondering, again, how it is that a public agency, like the Trinity River Vision, does not have to operate with full transparency?

As in, why are the books of the Trinity River Vision not open to public scrutiny?

In other words. I would really like to know how much of the public's money is being spent by J.D. Granger on liquor? On junkets? On restaurants? On valet parking? On cell phones? On laptops? On iPads? On Dallas hotel rooms? On car leases? On airplane tickets?

Just a totally open accounting of what the public's money is being spent on. Is that too much to ask? I don't think so.

Now, on to a totally different subject. A little after five I was driving east on Randol Mill Road with the recently relocated Elsie Hotpepper, when I spotted a big mama wild boar and her little herd of baby wild boars. Elsie told me to turn around and get a picture.

You who do not know Elsie Hotpepper, let me tell you, when Elsie tells you to do something, you do it.

So, I turned around. Got back to the boars. Slowed down. The mama was getting wary. As soon as she saw I was parking the mama wild boar took off running, with her family right behind. I had no chance to get a picture.

Elsie Hotpepper said if I didn't drive like an old lady I could have gotten a picture. I did not point out that me speeding would not have changed the outcome. One treads lightly when one chooses to point anything out to Elsie Hotpepper.

I can't imagine how this herd of wild boars got to this location. River Legacy Park is about 10 miles to the east. Did the mama wild boar lead her family out of the park to this new home? River Legacy Park is the only place I've seen wild boars previously.

It is a little after six.

74 degrees.

I've still got my windows open.

1 comment:

  1. Elsie told me to tell you that Baby Boy works for the Trinity River Vision Authority. Emphasis on the AUTHORITY!
    TRV is one thing, but the TRVA is the entity that is the evil spawn of Charlie Geren's specialty interest bill TX. H.B 2639... the enabling legislation for the use of eminent domain for economic development. Just what you want in your water district rolling in gas royalties. The Weekly, several years ago, ran a couple of articles about what it means to be an big wig at the TRWD. By the way, the only witness to the signing of TX H.B 2639, was Mr. Oliver, the head Big Wig of the TRWD. Now those couple of days would yield an interesting bunch of celebratory credit card receipts!!! Yee Haw... strip club time!!!Love the Blog... sorry I can't remember my Google login.
