Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Bother When You Are Behind Bars?

As you can see, I am being very negative this second Wednesday of the last month of 2010, December 9, trapped behind the bars of my patio prison cell.

December is almost a third gone.

It seems like yesterday I was saying November was a third gone.

Tomorrow it will seem like yesterday I was saying December was almost a third gone.


I have been consumed, of late, with an overarching feeling of "Why Bother." I have suffered bouts of "Why Bother Syndrome" in the past. Usually the feeling fairly quickly passes.

This time "Why Bother Syndrome" seems to be lingering.

The lingering "Why Bother Syndrome" is likely exacerbated by endorphin withdrawal, due to yesterday's absence of any aerobic activity, which now has me thinking why bother with any aerobic activity.

Why bother with anything? What's the point? Nothing matters.....


  1. Why bother? Cause something weird/good/interesting might happen in the next few minutes/hours/days!

    I hereby order you to go downtown Fort Worth, have a cinnamon vanilla fat free latte no whip at Starbucks on Houston Street, walk around and get some fresh air. Take photos for me. Sitting outside that Starbuks, which used to be the wonderful Coffee Haus, was truly my favorite thing to do. My true happy place. Photos, I need photos!!!

  2. OK, MLK, I'll see what I can do, downtown FW-wise. But, I don't do Starbucks. It has been a long time since I've wandered all over downtown Fort Worth.

  3. Boy howdy, you are negative. Very noticable in a positive city like Foat Woath, Texas.
