Thursday, December 9, 2010

Still Suffering From Why Bother Syndrome Even After Tandy Hill Hiking & Looking At Downtown Fort Worth

This morning I mentioned that I was over come, again, with a bad case of "Why Bother Syndrome."

I can not say my case of WBS has gotten better as I have shuffled through today.

I have no idea what is ailing me. I suspect it is an allergy. It is not a cold. But, I'm stuffed up and have this weird slight difficulty breathing.

I'd blame my breathing woe on the recent reappearance of my Chesapeake neighbor and whatever it was they were doing to their gas well. But, that would be irrational. They are gone now.

I went to the Tandy Hills thinking some semi-fresh air might help. I had no trouble breathing going up the hills, which was my concern going in. If it weren't for needing to use a nasal spray to keep my nasal system working I'd think I was being a hypochondriac.

After MLK read my lament about suffering from a bout of WBS she prescribed a visit to downtown Fort Worth to give her a virtual visit to her old hometown, suggesting something weird/good/interesting might happen. Well, it is true that I don't think I have ever been in downtown Fort Worth when I did not see at least one weird thing.

But, sadly, the closest I could get to downtown Fort Worth today was looking at the stunning skyline of downtown Fort Worth from the Tandy Hills. So, MLK, that picture at the top is the best I could do for you today.

MLK's situation is the opposite of mine. I was exiled from Washington to Texas. MLK was exiled from Texas to Washington. MLK's specific location of exile is Tacoma. I know of one or two real serious nutjobs who live in Tacoma. MLK is not one of them.

I don't know when MLK was last in downtown Fort Worth.

It has changed drastically, and not in a good way, since I moved here, with the now defunct Radio Shack corporate headquarter's destruction of the huge, free parking lots and free subway that took you easily to the heart of downtown.

Fort Worth is now like downtown Seattle, well, not quite as bad as Seattle, but it is no longer easy to find free parking in the downtown Fort Worth zone. That last time I was there I paid, I think, 6 bucks to park in one of the Bass parking lots known as Sundance Square, for a couple hours.

The last time I parked in downtown Seattle, August 7, 2008, I paid, I think, $25 to park all day on a lot in Pioneer Square. Pioneer Square is not a collection of parking lots. Pioneer Square is an actual square, unlike Sundance Square, where there is no square, just parking lots. Where a square should be.

I think maybe I should go saloon hopping with Elsie Hotpepper. That might break me out of my current bad case of WBS.


  1. Well thank you for the photo. I appreciate it. I so miss downtown Fort Worth. I used to live at the Electric Co apartments, then the Hillside Community (loved it there). Good times.

    Yes, lots of weird folks in Tacoma. I call it "the dark side"...I've never seen so many freaks ever. I think Seattle sends their surplus nuts to Tacoma. I stay in my Pacific Tower condo and go out only when necessary.

  2. MLK----It used to be worse. I think you likely arrived in Tacoma after the Tacoma Aroma departed. The Hilltop neighborhood used to be really scary. Now it's not. Except for this lesbian restaurant bar, the name of which escapes me, that I got drug to the last time I was in Tacoma.
