Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is George's Specialty Foods Back In Operation After Successfully Battling Chesapeake Energy?

Well. I saw this morning via an ad in FW Weekly that George's Specialty Foods is back after being closed to deal with some eminent domain abuse issues brought to George's Specialty Foods courtesy of one of the world's biggest abusers of eminent domain, Chesapeake Energy

I do not know what the outcome was, or if there was an outcome, in this particular eminent domain abuse case.

If this particular case of eminent domain abuse was covered in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, I missed it.

I'm guessing that in Star-Telegram world it is not newsworthy when a local business closes in order to defend itself against having its property taken so a pipeline can be run through their property carrying non-odorized natural gas.

Can someone tell me what the outcome was regarding this particular case of eminent domain abuse? Or what the current status is?

1 comment:

  1. They probably got paid off with the right price. just like those people on Carter Ave. and elsewhere. money talks and just about every one has a price.
