Monday, November 1, 2010

Tandy Hills Blue Flag Epidemic While Betty Jo Bouvier Worries About Stocking Caps

I think I may be over-compensating over losing my bike by overdoing hiking. Or this may be being caused by the near perfect conditions making it such a pleasant way to aerobicize. Or, maybe my endorphin addiction has grown worse.

I saw no new empty cans of Four Loko on the Tandy Hills today. Or anyone passed out from drinking Four Loko.

I did see some new blue plastic flags stuck in the ground on the Tandy Hills today. The new blue plastic flags were stuck in the ground near the trail in the area I call Lost Sunglasses Ridge, due to this being the location of where I lost my sunglasses on Easter and found them a month later, hiding in plain sight.

To me the blue plastic flags do not seem like a very natural thing to sticking in the ground of something with natural in its name, as in Tandy Hills Natural Area.

I'm sure the purpose of the blue and yellow plastic flags will become clear at some point in time and it will seem perfectly natural that they are stuck in the ground of the Natural Area.

Switching to a slightly different subject, with that subject being my swimming habits. This morning Betty Jo Bouvier made the rudest comment, commenting about my swimming attire. Specifically, Betty Jo questioned the sartorial appropriateness of wearing a stocking cap whilst swimming.

It is totally physiologically logical to wear a stocking cap over ones head when one is immersed in cold water. By slowing the escape of  body heat from the skull zone, the period of time it takes to chill the body core is also slowed, thus elongating the period of time one can spend in the cold water without feeling cool.

In her defense, Betty Jo Bouvier lives in a semi-tropical zone and thus has never experienced the benefits of wearing a stocking cap when confronting cold temperatures.

UPDATE: The blue flags are being put on the Tandy Hills by TWU students studying the Compass Plant. Leave the blue (and yellow) flags alone.

UPDATE 2: DurangObese blogged about a subject related to wearing a stocking cap to keep warm while swimming..

1 comment:

  1. The flags were put there by TWU students who are doing an important study of Compass Plant. Please leave them in place.
