Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Waiting For Rain With No More World Series Games For Texas For Now

Another sign that I may be going senile. Hours ago I took the picture you see here, a dark cloudy November 2 morning in Texas, with incoming rain seeming eminent.

I was sure I'd already done the blogging thing this morning. I think maybe Elsie Hotpepper distracted me with an email assignment.

I remember taking care of Elsie's email and then heading off to my DurangObese Blog to blog about 1000 plus pounders. Which showed me another sign of my senility.

Betty Jo Bouvier also distracted me this morning, with a Facebook controversy of possibly scandalous proportions. That has now died down. I think.

Maybe I'm being distracted due to being so devastated that the Texas Rangers lost last night, thus ending their attempt to win the World Series. It was rude of those San Francisco Giants to administer the Death Blow right in the Texas Rangers' Ballpark in Arlington home.

Actually, last night I forgot there was a terribly important baseball game being played in my neighborhood and thus did not learn of the crushing defeat until this morning.

It was windy and only 51 this morning when I went swimming. It went swimmingly well. I think I've grown addicted to the thrill of the chill.

If the rain holds off I'm going to make it the 6th day in a row of hiking the Tandy Hills. If the rain starts up, I'm going to go vote and then go walk around Sam's Club pushing a cart. One must always have a backup plan.

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