Monday, November 1, 2010

The Thrill Of The Chill Of The 1st Day Of November In Texas

Last year on the 1st of November I remember making a video and declaring on it "It is the 1st of November and I'm still swimming."

Last November it seemed unusual to be swimming in cold water.

This November the thrill of the chill does not seem all that unusual.

It did not even seem all that chilly this morning. It helps that the temperature was in the upper 50s.

That, and, as you can see, since last November I have added a nice layer of insulating adipose tissue.

Is a super obese person able to go swimming in ultra cold water, having what amounts to a natural skin diving suit?

Speaking of chilly. It was a super chilly haunted Halloween for North Texas professional sports teams on Sunday. The Dallas Cowboys lost, as usual. I don't know to whom or by how much. Why did the Dallas Cowboys used to be known as America's Team? At least locally. Really makes no sense to me. America is fond of winners.

A few feet east and north of the location of the Dallas Cowboys' latest loss, the Texas Rangers suffered loss #3 in the World Series, scoring nary a point to get beat by the San Francisco Giants 4 to 0. The Rangers now need to win 3 games in a row to win the World Series, beginning tonight at the Ballpark in Arlington.

If the Rangers now win 3 in a row and the World Series I think the locals should start calling the Rangers "America's Team."


  1. Who wears a stocking cap swimming? I mean, REALLY, who does that?

  2. Betty Jo, it is clear to me you've never been swimming in Texas in November. A stocking cap is necessary to keep warm.
