Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Shadow Of The Tandy Hills Thin Man Sequel

If you look closely at today's Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man compared to Thursday's Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man compared to the Last Day of October's Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man you can spot a disturbing trend.

As in the last 7 days has seen a huge increase in the amount of clothing worn to hike the Tandy Hills.

Today was not a warm one in my favorite hiking zone. For the first time in a long time I was on the Tandy Hills in long pants. And a  long-sleeved shirt over a t-shirt.

Eventually I warmed up. A little.

Just like last Saturday I came upon a pair of Tandy Hills newbies. I tell you, the hills are almost coming alive with the sound of humans.

After I was done hiking I went to Town Talk. Have I ever mentioned how much I appreciate Don Young pointing me to Town Talk? I never know what I am going to find there. And the people who work at Town Talk are very nice. And efficient.

I have not heard from Elsie Hotpepper today. I don't know if I should be concerned or not. I've not spoken to Elsie since she called a couple days ago, all fired up in total Hot Pepper mode, cursing like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

Such language, I'd not heard, since Gar the Texan lost his temper over a bunch of annoying Germans in Germany, which caused him to unleash F-Bombs for the first time in my experience with the usually meek, mild mannered Gar the Texan. The poor guy was married to a German for awhile. This may have caused his inner Hitler to be released.

Speaking of people who have little impulse control, when it comes to spewing profanely, I've not been over to Miss Puerto Rico's since her return from her home island.

Because English is Miss Puerto Rico's second language her use of Americanized profanity is sort of out of whack. I have wondered if she realizes these words she uses so frequently are known as profanity? I think she picks up the verbiage by watching too much cable TV, and then it goes through a strange Puerto Rican morph. And comes out sounding a bit crazy.


I forgot to mention that Tootsie Tonasket called while I was on my way to the Tandy Hills. I talked to Tootsie for about half of my hill hiking. The ol' gal has a lot going on. This week she plead "not guilty" to being a deer poacher. Apparently those in the courtroom were giggling as the judge read the charges. Even the judge was, supposedly, acting bemused by what the little ol' lady was being accused of.

I blogged on my Washington Blog about the Ruby Ridge-like Raid on Tootsie Tonasket's Poaching Gang Headquarters, back when it happened, last March. Since then, Tootsie's neighbor has set up sophisticated monitoring equipment, supposedly because he feels in danger, due to the proximity of the Tootsie Tonasket Gang.

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