Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy That Daylight Savings Time Ended At 2AM This Morning

I am up a bit late this Sunday morning of November 7. As you can see, the sun has already arrived.

The sun arrived an hour earlier than yesterday, thanks to the Daylight Savings Time nonsense coming to an end at 2am this morning.

It is 42 degrees out there right now. I think that is 2 degrees warmer than yesterday morning. Maybe that extra 2 degrees will have the pool warmed up enough to be tolerable. I'll soon find out. Minimally I'll get a good bracing bit of shock therapy.

I believe yesterday, for the first time ever, I blogged something on all my blogs.

On the Durango TV blog I blogged about the aftermath of the ending of the most recent iteration of Project Runway, with a bizarre video of winner Gretchen Jones.

On the DurangObese blog I blogged about the 10 Fattest and 10 Fittest Cities in America. Texas leads the nation with 3 cities listed among the Top 10 Fattest, those being San Antonio, Houston and El Paso. Dallas/Fort Worth did not crack the Top Ten Fattest, only managing a relatively lean 14th place. No Texas city managed to be in the Top 10 Fittest Cities. But Austin did manage to be the 17th Fittest City.

On the Durango Washington blog I blogged about lamenting not being able to fly like a bat with a wingsuit here in Texas, with a very cool video of 4 guys wingsuiting over Seattle with a fly by of the Space Needle. If you've never had a good look at downtown Seattle and all the water that surrounds Seattle, this video will show it to you. For those looking at this from Fort Worth, all that water is courtesy of Mother Nature, no public works projects making fake town lakes.

On the Durango Roadtripping blog I blogged about my favorite Roadtrip movie, National Lampoon's Vacation. I've sort of run out of material for the Roadtripping blog.

I doubt I will be blogging something on all my blogs today. But I never know where the day will take me. Right now it is taking me outside.

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