Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Little Texas Thunder Action Last Night With Ibuprofen Taking Away My Pain

You are looking out my window at a visual representation of my aches and pains on this Tuesday morning of Wednesday, November 16.

I am starting to wonder and worry if I might not be developing an "itis" or an "ism."

As in arthritis, bursitis or rheumatism. I don't recollect doing anything strainful, but something has strained my right shoulder to the point that the pain can be excruciating, especially whilst trying to roll over in bed.

Last night I resorted to taking pain/anti-inflammatory meds in the form of Ibuprofen. This seemed to quickly lessen the aggravation. I'm not a big fan of taking Ibuprofen. But, I am also not a big fan of having an aching pain.

Other than a few bouts of excruciating pain I had a most excellent night's sleep, with no disturbing nightmares that I recollect. And I woke up without the feeling of impending doom that haunted me yesterday.

I heard one thunderclap last night, sometime before midnight. Rain fell for a very short time. Weakest Texas Thunderstorm in my memory. Looking outside this morning at the blue sky and dry ground you'd never guess we had any weather action last night.

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