Monday, November 15, 2010

Criminally Insensitive Incompetent Fort Worth Judge Issues Veterans Day Execution Order Of A Wounded Iraq War Vet's Innocent Dog, Mimi

You are looking at part of the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth, from the Tandy Hills, today around noon.

That is not a Flying Saucer that has landed in downtown Fort Worth. That is a part of the Fort Worth Convention Center that desperately needs to be replaced, due, in part, to it being a very bad example of very bad architecture that is seriously at odds with its surroundings and the rest of the Convention Center.

I read a disturbing blog post on one of the news sources in Fort Worth that prints news the Fort Worth Star Telegram doesn't tell you about. I had to read it in the Star-Telegraph.

Apparently a badly injured Iraq Vet had a dog which his psychiatrist thought would help in the Vet's recovery.  This is a house dog named Mimi. A neighbor accused Mimi of biting his finger. Mimi was arrested and thrown in to Fort Worth Dog Jail, where she quickly lost weight.

On Veterans Day, yet one more bad Fort Worth judge, who probably should not be a judge, sentenced Mimi to death, despite multiple character witnesses attesting to her innocence.

The judge ordered Mimi's execution unless, within 15 days, the Vet comes up with $1,000 of fees, $100,000 liability insurance and a 6 foot enclosure on his property.

I have seen embarrassing things happen in Fort Worth, before, but this outrageously horrible treatment of a Vet and the abusive treatment of his dog, Mimi. And the sentencing of yet one more innocent Texan to death, with no evidence proving guilt. Well. I am appalled.

There are some reports, that I have been unable to confirm, that this travesty has a happy ending. That Mimi has had a stay of execution and has been reunited with the Vet, who calls her "my little girl."

UPDATE: The Star-Telegraph is now reporting that all the money needed to rescue Mimi has been raised. Mimi will be released from custody, after she is spayed, and returned to the Vet, Steven Woods. A Veterinarian has agreed to provide Mimi free medical service for life.

Fort Worth is full of very nice, very generous, very decent people, sadly, with a city government and municipal court system not worthy of the people.

1 comment:

  1. The municipal courts are just an inept "legal" money-making machine for this corrupt city government. They work hand in glove with the police dept. and code enforcement dept. who write tickets that only take them a few minutes to do but will cost the citizen lots of time and effort to challenge, often without the benefit of a lawyer in going up against the "Night Court" type of city lawyers. Or the citizen can simply give in and pay whatever hundreds of dollars big brother wants to extract from them. Fortunately for this Vet and Mimi there is one local lawyer actually willing to help them (and serve Justice). Of course, the people once again exhibited common decency and generosity that are big parts of the American Way. The judge and the city's system of nonsensicle fines and financial demands are consistent with the @#$%$ FW Way. Kudos to citizen reporters like you and the Star Telegraph.
