Monday, November 15, 2010

Impending Doom In Texas On The Ides Of November

As you can see looking out the window of my computer room, it is yet one more nice day in Texas.

It is already the Ides of November, Monday, November 15.

It seems just like yesterday I was lamenting it being the Ides of October, with time zipping so quickly Halloween would soon be upon us, followed by Thanksgiving and Christmas.

My least favorite time of the year. I think possibly due to repressed memories of childhood Christmas trauma.

I had myself a night of nightmares last night. It was not pleasant.

My night of nightmares last night has me filled with a sense of dread this morning. The overarching feeling that something real bad is about to happen.

I don't know if this premonition of impending doom is something that happens to me personally. Or some awful other event, like a nuclear bomb accidentally exploding.

All I know, for sure, is I've got the jitters and drinking coffee this morning is not helping.

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