Sunday, November 14, 2010

Overheating On The Tandy Hills While Talking To The Queen Of Wink & Tootsie Tonasket

I overheated on the Tandy Hills today, slightly. Wearing a long sleeve t-shirt over another t-shirt was a mistake. I thought it was in the lower 40s when I left my abode. I thought wrong.

The leaves on some of the Tandy Hills trees looked like they'd aged overnight.

I just got off the phone with the Queen of Wink. She told me it froze last night in Wink. I'm wondering if it froze here last night? That would explain the change in  the Tandy Hill's tree's leaf condition.

I had an encounter with 2 very large dogs today. They saw me and turned and ran, I assume back to their human. But, they made me nervous, so I took off running. I did not realize I was so easily able to run.

That is not a re-enactment of me running in the picture above. That is just regular hiking, not running.

Tootsie Tonasket called on the way to the Tandy Hills to talk about her new restaurant, named Alice's Restaurant. You can't get everything you want at Alice's Restaurant. Just sandwiches, soup, cookies and pies. Tootsie Tonasket is a gourmet level cook. Her blackberry pie and cookies are legendary in Tonasket.

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