Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Fort Worth Outpouring Of Support Saves Mimi From The Corrupt Fort Worth Municipal Court System

Yesterday, seriously wounded Iraq Vet Steven Woods' dog, Mimi, thanks to Fort Worth Citizen's efforts, was spared from the Fort Worth Dog Execution Chamber, stopping a Veterans Day Execution Order, issued by yet one more Fort Worth Judge who does not take evidence into account before passing judgement.

Multiple witnesses testified that Mimi was not the biter.

Other evidence showed that Mimi was not even in Fort Worth at the time she was alleged to have committed the biting crime.

Texas has a long sorry history of putting innocents to death. This is just the latest example of a judicial system gone awry.

A few weeks ago Fort Worth's city officials were all atwitter with worry over the damage being done to Fort Worth's pristine reputation, due to one of Fort Worth's neighborhoods being named as the 15th Most Dangerous in America.

I have not read of any Fort Worth city official being all atwitter with worry over the national and maybe international embarrassment that will likely be coming Fort Worth's way when the story of the Iraq Vet, who's dog was sentenced to death on Veterans Day, hits the national airwaves.

I have not read any mention of this latest Fort Worth scandal in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Maybe I missed it. I did see the Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy mentioned the Mimi story on Facebook.

Last night Channel 33, that being the local news source that broke the Mimi Story, reported that some $18,000 has been raised to help Steven Woods and Mimi.

Yesterday, I got an interesting comment from "FW Sucks" about Fort Worth's corrupt Municipal Court System and the lackey judges who help corrupt it...

The municipal courts are just an inept "legal" money-making machine for this corrupt city government. They work hand in glove with the police dept. and code enforcement dept. who write tickets that only take them a few minutes to do but will cost the citizen lots of time and effort to challenge, often without the benefit of a lawyer in going up against the "Night Court" type of city lawyers. Or the citizen can simply give in and pay whatever hundreds of dollars big brother wants to extract from them. Fortunately for this Vet and Mimi there is one local lawyer actually willing to help them (and serve Justice). Of course, the people once again exhibited common decency and generosity that are big parts of the American Way. The judge and the city's system of nonsensical fines and financial demands are consistent with the @#$%$ FW Way. Kudos to citizen reporters like you and the Star Telegraph.

Well, I first learned about Mimi in the Star Telegraph. I only repeated what I read, worded in my own words. No kudos for reporting are deserved by me.

As I understand it, Mimi is still not home with her Vet. A protective fence must be installed first.

Is there not a way an imaginative lawyer could sue the City of Fort Worth, on Mimi and Steven's behalf, for this outrageous violation of Steven Woods' rights? And the mistreatment of Mimi?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes better Fort Worth than some other cities:
