Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hiking The Tandy Hills Then Passing Out For The First Time This Century

Something is happening here. What it is is not exactly clear.

I passed out this afternoon and fell asleep in nap mode.

I can not tell you the last time this has happened. I am fairly certain I have not passed out in a nap in this century.

Nor likely in the last decade of the last century.

I got a good night's sleep. No reason to be tired.

And to make it even more disturbing, I passed out in nap mode after drinking a cup of iced coffee. Which should have semi-stimulated me. One would think.

Due to air temperature issues and my pool still not being back at 100% I have temporarily lost the ability to swim. I don't think this is causing some sort of metabolic collapse.

I took off from here sometime after 11 to go to the Tandy Hills for some much needed salubrious aerobicizing. That went fine. Felt no compulsion to fall asleep with Mother Nature.

I did call my sister in Phoenix, well, the Phoenix suburb of Chandler, while I was on the Tandy Hills. I do not think that made me sleepy because I called whilst my sister was busy in an intense card game with visitors from Washington, so we spoke very briefly.

I was a semi-blogging maniac this morning and webpage maker, but not really that much more than the norm. Certainly not enough to cause me to pass out. I don't think I was as maniacal this morning, word-spewing wise, as I was yesterday when I broke a record for most bloggings on my Durango TV Blog. Yesterday I blogged about The Amazing Race. Then later The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Then I saw an amusing video of Sarah Palin's Reality TV Show on TLC, so I blogged about Sarah Palin's Alaska. Hours after that I blogged about Sarah's Daughter Bristol on Dancing with the Stars.

On my Durango Washington Blog this morning, I blogged about I-90  over Snoqualmie Pass.

Meanwhile, on my DurangObesity Blog, this morning I blogged about Gar the Texan's sister's bad experience with having a surgeon alter her body shape for the worse.

Even now I am still feeling groggy.

In the words of my therapist, Dr. L.C., I'm a mess.

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