Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Early Wednesday Morning Thinking About Paris & JD Granger's Streetcar Named Conspire

The early morning of November 17 and it is yet one more clear blue sky day in Texas.

My aching ol' man rheumatis' joints did not pain me last night like the night before. I appreciate that.

The Golden Years of Senior Citizenship aren't all that Golden.

According to my mom.

As I slip ever closer to being an Old Man, I understand what my mom means.

On a completely different note, Gar the Texan has me thinking about Paris. I can't remember the last time I was in Paris. Gar had himself a fine time there, recently, with the French doing their striking hobby and other insolent behaviors.

Meanwhile, again on a totally different note, over on the Star-Telegraph, Adrian Murray sent the S-T an amusingly on target rant about JD Granger's bizarre claim that the proposed Fort Worth Streetcar Named Conspire has somehow always been part of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.

Methinks JD Granger is way way brighter than any of us detractors give him credit for. He has obviously figured out that the powers that be are paying no attention to his shenanigans. And those of us who have made note of the obviously corrupt boondoggly shenanigans, are people no one, who matters, pays any attention to.

At this point in time it would not shock me if ground was broken on the Trinity River Vision Bordello homage to the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, with JD Granger claiming it has always been part of the vision and with JD first in line at the grand opening.

Fort Worth thinks it is "Where the West Begins," with a proud history of lawlessness, which used to be contained in an area known as Hell's Half Acre, but which now encompasses all of downtown and beyond.

It's appalling. But no one who matters seems to notice or care.

Sad, sad situation.

I wonder what good deeds JD Granger is up to today....

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