Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Morning Thinking About Getting Fracked In Texas

You are looking out at the dreary November 12, Friday, view from my computer room window.

No rain fell in my zone yesterday, near as I can tell. I suspect today the rain prediction will prove accurate, though, just judging by how it looks out there, right now.

I do not believe enough rain will fall to fill my pool, which is currently empty.

Last night's episode, on CBS, of CSI, was titled "Fracked." Due to last night's murder being about two men who were offed before they could expose that a natural gas company was poisoning residents in a farm town.

I had intended to hit the record button on my DVR. I forgot. But, AT & T U-Verse has TV on Demand. But, in the past week there has been no updating of CBS shows. However, it is likely viewable on the CBS CSI website.

This is not the first time CSI has used something bad that has happened in Texas for a plotline. I remember when CSI used, as a plotline, that awful story of a woman, in my neighborhood, who ran into a guy and left him stuck in her windshield, in her garage, until he died. A movie was also made of this incident. I believe the name was "Stuck."

On Sunday CBS is doing a story on the Barnett Shale Texas drilling, with Lesley Stahl interviewing Christine and Tim Ruggiero about the unwanted drilling on their land, which resulted in ruining the Ruggiero's 10 acres, destroying their property value.

Below is a YouTube video in which Tim Ruggiero describes some of the misery to which he and his family have been subjected, thanks to the corrupt practices of the Barnett Shale Natural Gas Drillers and their co-horts in corruption, the State of Texas and its corrupt state agencies which are supposed to look out for the public good, but, due to that corruption, I just mentioned, basically only look out for the welfare of the Natural Gas Drillers....

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