Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fall Has Colorfully Fallen On The Tandy Hills

The leaves in the trees, in the Tandy Hills, have dramatically been going into full color mode the past few days.

Today, at noon, the hills were almost as colorful, and almost as nicely lit, as they were yesterday evening.

And at noon today the hills were quite a bit warmer than last night. As in, get too HOT and doff the t-shirt, level of quite a bit warmer.

So far, nothing has dripped from the Texas sky on top of me. And I have heard no booms of thunder.

It is just being extraordinarily pleasant. Whatever was in the air that was irritating my eyes is irritating them no more.

I do not recollect having my windows open, at this point of time, in the year, in Texas in years previous. But they are open now.

Town Talk has really fresh asparagus today. I got a lot of it. I foresee asparagus soup in my future.

In the meantime I'm going blogging. And then to do some investigating for Elsie Hotpepper.

1 comment:

  1. I rode to work this morning in shorts and a sleeveless jersey.
