Friday, November 12, 2010

Getting Thousands Of Comments About Subjects Other Than Today's Texas Storm

My three in the afternoon, Stormbound view. The first rainstorm of the day dropped drips just as I was about to head to the Tandy Hills for my daily communing with nature.

Aborted by rain, the nature communing turned into getting my aerobic exercise by rapidly clacking the keys on my computer keyboard.

The rapid keyboard clacking has me thinking, the past couple days, that I may be developing carpal tunnel syndrome in my 'mouse' hand.  My left, non-mouse hand, does not exhibit the same level of ache as the right.

Yesterday, Elsie Hotpepper inadvertently caused me to discover that there is a record of all the comments I get to this blog, as in, all the comments are on a long, long list, that goes on for page after page. I only go to the comments area to the "Moderate the Comments" option. I'd never gone back and clicked on "Published Comments," til Elsie caused me to do so.

I was surprised to see there have been, as of 5 minutes ago, 4,126 comments to this blog. And that the current number of blog postings is 2,997. Which would seem to indicate that some time today, but certainly by tomorrow, I will do my 3,000th blogging on this blog.

Comments can come to any of the 2,997 bloggings. The more you blog, the more the bloggings are indexed by the search engines, the more comments you get. It is like some perverse pyramid scheme.

Had I to do it over again I would never have blogged about my search for the world's biggest seating part of the human anatomy. I don't know why, but my bloggings on that subject are Googled high, causing a lot of people to come to this blog, looking to find the world's biggest seating part of the human anatomy.

Strangely, a disproportionate number of those seeking the world's biggest of that item are from the Middle East. And they never leave comments.

I think the Number One comment generators have been the bloggings about Only Child Syndrome. At times this blog Googled #1 on that subject, making me, I guess, the World's Default Expert on Only Child Syndrome. I have gotten some fairly sad comments from victims of Only Child Syndrome. And inadvertently funny comments from Syndrome deniers. They are sort of like Holocaust deniers.

When I started doing this blogging thing I figured the novelty would wear off at some point in time. Then I monetized the blog, which caused it to have an added motivating incentive. Then the really appalling thing happened. I started making more blogs. I think the total is now 5, plus a Durango Vegas blog I've done nothing with.

To make 5, there is the blog you are currently looking at.

Then I added Durango TV. That one does well, visitor-wise. And other-wise.

I thought a blog about Roadtrips would do real well, so I made Durango Roadtripping. Those bloggings were fun to write, but that blog does not do well, visitor-wise. Ironically, I think Durango Roadtripping is the best of my blogs. After awhile I sort of ran out of first hand material for the Roadtripping blog.

Then it occurred to me that it would be fun to do a blog about a part of the country near and dear to me, about which I am very familiar, that being the Pacific Northwest. So, I made Durango Washington. That blog does better that than the Roadtripping one, visitor-wise.

Then a few weeks ago I blogged about the appalling procedure known as Lapband Surgery on the blog you are reading right now. This singular blogging caused a lot of interesting ads to appear and a big jump in the monetizing part of the deal.

So, I thought to myself, well, the Obesity Epidemic is a subject about which I would never run out of material. It is a subject I have opined on previously. So, I figured, it's easy to do, I'll make another blog. So, I made DurangObese. So far, it has not been up and running long enough to make a success or failure call. DurangObese is being interesting. Finding out stuff about which I was unaware. Like I've got a video and blogging ready to publish about the Obesity Epidemic in China. I had no idea.

I have found several amusing videos regarding the Obesity Epidemic. The funniest video is one of George Carlin ranting about Fat Americans. Click the link if you can handle some outrageously good humor with a lot of bleeping. Or select the "uncensored" option.

I had no idea til I saw this particular George Carlin video and read the Wikipedia article about him, that he got his comedic send-off from Fort Worth. That sort of seems impossible. Cutting edge humorist getting his start in Fort Worth? Seems counter-intuitive.

Below is a blurb from the Wikipedia article about George Carlin and his Fort Worth send off to California and fame and fortune...

In 1959, Carlin and Jack Burns began as a comedy team when both were working for radio station KXOL in Fort Worth, Texas. After successful performances at Fort Worth's beat coffeehouse, The Cellar, Burns and Carlin headed for California in February 1960 and stayed together for two years as a team before moving on to individual pursuits.


  1. Bloggin' low downs and other stuff.
    Okay, this is it. I'm officially divorcing you. You have driven me mad for one year refusing to learn the proper nomenclature for critter & flora sightings at Tandy. Yet American cinematography (you quickly corrected something I wrote on Gilbert Grape) is razor sharp. If you so love the natural world, than respect it--learn it and share. I love Nick & Nora too, but identifying Silver Leaf nightshade is just as important.
    You need to travel-blog the best part of Texas. The Trans Pecos. Terlingua & Marfa are your spiritual homes Big Bend Nat'l Park. All the crazies go there, Witness recently, Randy Quaid,Don't delay. Until then, your virtual travel blog is vitamin deficient for Texas. Native Texans are ignorant of their best asset.
    My life as a Texan was transformed by my first visit there in '03.What, 8,000 foot mountains, bears and mountain lions? Get out of that pool and go there!!!
    Take somebody fit.

  2. Oh no...Dear Durango, you have this all wrong...Skinny isn't divorcing you fact...he/she is calling you out. And the obvious "take somebody fit" is referring to him/herself. You gotta read betwixt the lines, darlin'
