Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dark Skies Have Finally Cleared Up Making It A Sunny Day But I Can't Put On A Smile & Cheer Up

As you can see in the view through the bars of my patio prison cell, the gloomy, drippy gray has lifted, with the return of the regular blue sky of Texas that I've grown so fond of.

The gray may have lifted and the blue sky may have returned, but my personal disposition is not feeling all that sunny.

I think the cause of my un-sunniness is likely endorphin withdrawal. I will need to get a fix by tomorrow or the delirium tremens may start to set in.

I just got an amusing email from Don Young about Fort Worth's troubling problem with out of control incest. Something that is a big no-no in other parts of America, and the world, is condoned by the city government of Fort Worth. You can read Don Young's Fort Worth Incest Expose on the FW Can DO Blog. With pictures.

I was up in North Richland Hills and Hurst in the noon time frame. I looked at mountain bikes. I just can't bring myself to go through the getting a new bike process. It's worse than shopping for a car.

I think I'll leave Texas now and go blog about tulips on my Washington blog.

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